Thursday, July 18, 2013

And Finally ... The FULL List!

So I am done!   Completely done with making my list, I should probably categorize the list  to make it easy to research and execute - - but not today.  Today I am just so happy to have the completely done!  So here is the list - in random order:

  1. Go vegetarian for one week
  2. Get rid of all personal credit card debt
  3. Complete the Couch to 5K program
  4. Run an official 5K
  5. Buy a bike and ride confidently
  6. Get a tattoo
  7. Take Fiona for a horse/pony ride
  8. Go to the dentist
  9. Lose 50 pounds
  10. Finish Christmas stockings
  11. Finish needlepoint for Mom
  12. Finish Christmas project for Kenna
  13. Take Fiona to the Children's Museum
  14. Take Fiona to Boston Common, Frog Pond & carousel
  15. Make something wearable
  16. Go through clothes and purses in the attic to sell/donated what is not longer needed
  17. Take Fiona to the circus
  18. Keep Bureau clear for 1 month
  19. Form a good habit
  20. Keep work desk clear for 1 month
  21. Climb Blue Hills
  22. Ride an inverse roller coaster
  23. Participate in NANOWRIMO
  24. Ride a ferris wheel
  25. Purposefully exercise while on vacation
  26. See Waterfire
  27. Explore 10 new restaurants
  28. Have a mamogram
  29. Plan 10 interactive date nights
  30. Go to one of Massachusetts' annual fairs that I have never been to (Topsfield/Marshfield/Big E)
  31. Find an exercise class that fits in with Warren's travel schedule - attend at least once a week.
  32. Get a professional makeup application
  33. Send 12 care packages
  34. Get back to my natural nails
  35. Buy 1 complete outfit at a non-plus size store.
  36. Take mom to a show - Broadway in Boston
  37. Get to know someone I don't like
  38. Submit one writing piece to publisher or agent
  39. So a photoshoot with the family
Now on to research.


  1. I love you list! I'm going to be following you on this adventure!

  2. Awesome! I want to be there with you for a bunch of these.
