Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I got nothin'

Warren traveled this week so it was nowhere near as productive as I would have liked.  I still have a few minor updates - and I don't want to get out of the habit of posting updates.  If I can keep this blog up for a whole year I will be super excited!  I really need to work on sticking to my projects, so this is a good place to start.

1. Go vegetarian for one week:  Lat Thursday as I was eating dinner I realized that I had amazingly eated vegetarian all day long.  So I figured since I had one day under my belt without really trying - I would use it to start off my week.  So far so good.  Eating out has been more of a challenge than I thought.  I have sampled really good veggie burgers and really BAD veggie burgers.  (I had one that had beets in it - and I thought - YEAH I like beets.  the tecture was jsut god awful and it looks like the burger was bleeding to death.)  I have the rest of today - so I am confident I can complete this one.  BACON HERE I COME!

2. Get rid of all personal credit card debt: Well, I finally sat down with all my bills at the same time and it wasn't as bad as I thought.  (What I thought was pretty bad)  I have a fairly agressive plan to eliminate it all - and I should have all of the "store" credit cards done by the end of August (Thank Goodness for an "extra" paycheck this month)

3. Complete the Couch to 5K Program: Week 2 ends tonight.  I think this was the suckiest goal I have ever considered doing.   If you want to follow me on twitter (@Sheila_Posch) you can see how much I hate this goal.

5. Buy a Bike & Ride confidently: I bought a bike this weekend! 
Of course we were so busy this weekend I did not ride it.  Also Warren mentioned that I had not been on a bike in 20 years so now I am petrified to get on the bike - at least in anyone else's presence.  I am going to try to take it to the park early one day this weekend.

18. Keep Bureau Clear for One Month: 3 Weeks!   I have kept it clear for three weeks!  I am so excited.  I continually battle Warren trying to encroach on my side of the bureau but I am managing to keep it at bay.

19. Form a Good Habit: No real luck getting this habit to stick yet.  I made up a checklist yesterday, so that should help me stay on track. 


I laminated it so I can use a dry erase marker to keep checking things off as I do them.

So I am still at 2 down 37 to go - but hopefully I will be knocking at least to more items off my list next week.

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