Monday, August 19, 2013

Backstory ....

I will have a big update this week – lots of items to check off the list.  I figured I would give the Doofensmirtz-ian backstory about my loathing for ferris wheels.  When I was young I read a book … and in that book the ferris wheel was a huge point of foreboding, then the final scene was on the ferris wheel and it was falling apart and people were falling (maybe – not sure).  This final scene scared the pants off me!  I never wanted to get on another carnival ride.  I think the book I read was meant for older readers – I tended to read a lot and read stuff that was my older brothers’. 
It took forever for me to find the book that led to a life without ferris wheels but I finally did – Into the Dream.  Here is an excerpt from an Amazon review that FINALLY gave me the name of the book!
The men grab Francine and Paul and Noah go take a ride on a ferris wheel to avoid getting caught by the men. The strangest thing happens on the ferris wheel - the seat starts to fall apart.

So thank you to the thorough Amazon reviewer who put a 30 odd year mystery to bed.  I have been on rides since then – but ferris wheels are always met with trepidation and I don’t think I had been on one since high school. 

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